Chapter.Two of ‘Materia’s summer-long run to release has been distinguished by weeks (numerous!), peaks (‘Tonight’ & ‘AR’s vids) and press leaks (‘No Strings Attached’ – hey, you can’t win ‘em all)! Release-date resolution though is now whisper-close and here’s the news to see you through the final days & hours to 01.09.17.
First up, there’s the next ‘Chapter.Two’ track to single-shine. That arrives today in the form of ‘Bigger Than We Are’ (early adopting pre-order folk, watch those download folders). The track reteams Nic & Bossi with Eric Lumiere - the voice behind previous C.G. club-wowers ‘Falling Back’, ‘Run Away’ and ‘Edge Of Life’. For an unprecedented fourth time, Eric instils his inimitable vocal expression and song-writing depth, (along with no small measure of heart and soul) into a Cosmic Gate number. Mirroring ‘Bigger’s pathos-to-positivity song arc, Cosmic Gate track his tone with emphatic drums and subby, mood-som bass, finally raising ‘Bigger’ to its synth-spirited conclusion. You can pick the single up from today here.
‘Bigger Than We Are’ isn’t the only new ‘Chapter.Two’ music you can hear from today. In its build up to release, Nic & Bossi have been keeping a wedge of its tracks steadfastly under-wraps. No more though! The locks are off and clips of each & every ‘Chapter.Two’ track await your ears here.
So what are you waiting for?!!